02/11/2018 / By Mike Adams
For your weekend amusement, we bring you what might possibly be the most outrageous Counterthink animation we’ve published yet.
On the heels of our hilarious “S##tcoin and Buttcoin” Counterthink animation (see below), we now bring you a whole new level of hilarity that imagines CNN calling out the FDA as bigoted and hateful for banning trans fats.
This FDA ban, we’re told is an assault on “overweight trannies” and even “obese gays.” The fact that the FDA links trans fats to heart disease is also extremely offensive, we’re told, because it implies there’s something innately wrong with being “trans.”
The full video is available on Counterthink.com or watch it below. The video is obviously free speech satire and parody. If you’re offended by it, you might be a brainwashed member of the Left Cult (or just have no sense of humor whatsoever). Note that Leftists routinely attack Christians, white people, Southerners, President Trump and heterosexuals with satire and parody, but when you dare make fun of transgenders, the Left goes completely insane.
It may not be long before this video gets banned by YouTube. In case that happens, we’ve also embedded the Vimeo version below:
Be sure you don’t miss the hilarious “S##tcoin and Buttcoin” video that makes fun of Bitcoin cultists:
See more hilarious satire animations at CounterThink.com
Tagged Under: CNN, fake news, heart disease, humor, Left-wing, parody, President Trump, satire, stupid, trans fats, transgender