11/24/2018 / By Mike Adams
“Walking along a street in any crumbling urban area in this country you see miserable faces staring blankly as they trudge through their lives on the road to nowhere or wasting time absorbed by trivialities and bullshit emanating from their iGadgets,” writes Jim Quinn in an especially prescient post on The Burning Platform Blog:
The lives of so many are a meaningless march of misery and mindless repetition of daily chores. There is an overwhelming cloud of sadness permeating the lives of the masses as our repulsive culture, built on fulfilling desires, consumerism, selfishness and greed, ultimately results in delusional, disappointed and desperate human beings.
Quinn explains the collapse of cognizant civilization as arising out of “social indoctrination” and the organized programming of children via the disastrous public education system:
Our society did not become so ludicrous, misguided and defective overnight. It has been decades in the making. And it can be attributed to the purposeful effort by those in control of the government in destroying our educational system and replacing it with a social indoctrination system. Children are no longer taught how to think, but how to feel. Children are being raised by the state as nothing more than cogs in the machine.
Children who question authority or do not act in a subservient manner are immediately diagnosed with ADD and drugged into submission. The public-school system doesn’t want high performers, critical thinkers or anyone questioning their government mandated orthodoxy. The ruling class (aka Deep State) wants controllable, malleable, non-thinking automatons to do the menial low paying jobs, buy cheap foreign crap with their credit cards, and be dependent upon the state for their miserable existence.
His assessment is correct, but there’s another layer to this that makes the public school indoctrination possible: The mass poisoning of human beings with brain damaging chemicals.
The mass poisoning of humanity isn’t an accident: It’s a coordinated, engineered assault on the human mind, carried out by globalist corporations and swept under the reg by “captive” government regulators that have long since sold out humanity. The purpose of the mass poisoning is to weaken the human mind and spirit, crushing any outbursts of consciousness, awakening, innovation or revolutionary ideas that might challenge the status quo.
All humans must be chemically restrained and prevented from breaking free of their chemical prisons, the globalists believe. This is the only way to prevent humanity from rising up and overthrowing the globalist cabal that depends on mass indoctrination and subservience for its own continued existence.
They’ve built prisons for our minds, and those prisons are constructed out of tiny, toxic molecules that now inundate the food supply, common medicines, personal care products and even the open skies. Here’s a short list of the primary vectors of this mass poisoning that’s now driving the human race to the point of utter madness and collapse:
As Quinn explains, the tech giants have transformed social media into a “social concentration camp:”
Combining the power of the surveillance state with the devious underhanded methods of Google, Facebook and Twitter has created a social concentration camp with government armed guards and social justice warrior corporations providing the propaganda.
Social media is nothing more than virtue signaling and peacocking by people trying to pump up their own egos. The incessant narcissism broadcast by the “beautiful” people results in others comparing their lives to these shallow egocentric elitists. When normal people spend their days comparing their plain lives to the fake awesome lives of strutting egomaniacs, they become depressed and unhappy with their own lives.
Until people put down their gadgets, spend time living in the real world with real people and stop idolizing shallow faux icons, they will become even more mentally unstable.
Inside every human brain that’s capable of higher thought is an animalistic brain — the “reptilian brain” — that’s driven by sex, violence, lust, power and self-centered behavior. When the bombardment of chemical and cultural toxins obliterates the higher brain function of which humans are capable, it unleashes the animalistic lower brain function that we now see dominating our crumbling society.
Pop culture is now devoid of higher thought or the celebration of individuality. Rather, it celebrates and promotes sex, lust, fame, violence, narcissism and the destruction of others. Any last semblance of morality, work ethic, self-discipline, individual achievement or honor is long gone. In its place, the left-wing “progressive” culture pushes all the traits, behaviors and mental models that resemble the brain function of animals, not humans.
Today’s human children are cognitively retarded compared to the children elephants. They are less intelligent than child dolphins, and they are less compassionate than chimpanzees. Most of today’s children have less survival instinct than a newborn dog, deer or armadillo. The youthful masses of modern society are trained for mass indoctrination and obedience by a sick, authoritarian society where every individual is a slave to their electronic device that tells them what to think and feel.
I was at a Thanksgiving dinner over the last few days, and at one event, a 14-year-old boy spent the entire time glued to his mobile phone, utterly oblivious to the reality taking place around him. From his point of view, the entire point of a Thanksgiving dinner was to take photos of “cool” things that could be shared with his fake friends on social media in order to gain social standing in a virtual world. The actual events taking place in the real world — with his real family — were of no value to him. Like all youngsters, he has been trained to dissociate himself from reality and focus all his attention on a fictional construct where the “friends” and “likes” and even the lives of those he admires are all faked.
Reality is of no interest to those children anymore. And whatever their mobile phones tell them is relevant is what matters most in their lives. The mobile phone has become a prison that enslaves children, and parents sit by and willfully allow this mental kidnapping of their children to take place right in front of them. Those parents are no longer raising their own children, they are merely surrogate care providers who are raising obedient zombie children for the authoritarian State.
Survival is arguably the strongest instinct in healthy human beings, yet the survival instinct has now been obliterated by the mass poisoning of human minds, launching humanity down a path of self-destruction. This “suicide cult” is now a deranged, lunatic mob of emotionally charged, cognitively suppressed automatons who obediently follow whatever commands they are given by popular sources.
The coordinated censorship of independent voices by the evil tech giants guarantees that children and teens will no longer encounter any information that encourages them to speak out as individuals. Even the twisted encouragement by parents who tell children to “be themselves” by coming out as gay or transgender is nothing more than a sick, new form of mass conformity buoyed by the adornment of adults who now indoctrinate their own children into transgenderism in order to achieve social standing among their peers. “Look at my little Tommy, he used to be a girl. Isn’t that amazing? He’s such a unique individual.”
Except it isn’t unique at all. It’s just one more twisted fad being pushed by a mentally ill society that has decided the exploitation of children to push adult sexualization agendas is suddenly socially acceptable. The fact that such exploitation of children is now applauded in mainstream America is further evidence of the collapse of sanity and the power of social conformity to convince living beings to destroy their own children. Only human are so foolish. No animals deliberately destroy their own children, because that would be suicidal. Yet humans now celebrate it on daytime television such as Good Morning America, which recently featured a trans male child parading around in women’s clothes while adult audience members applauded with glee.
Take a close look at the picture below, and read the caption, noting how the media asks him to describe what “inspires him to express himself.” Thus, the twisted abuse and exploitation of children with adult sexualization themes is now framed as “individuality” and “courage” rather than the child abuse it clearly has become:
All these efforts to twist the minds of humans have been shockingly successful, and they have put humanity on a catastrophic path of self-destruction at every level of existence. Global “progressive” society is killing itself, and it’s all by design. Here are just a few of the ways this is being accomplished:
Considering what you’ve learned here, you might wonder what the solutions are to reverse course, save humanity and put us back on a path to sustainability and abundance. After twenty years of analyzing current events and human behavior, I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that there is no solution except to survive the coming global collapse.
The self destruction of the human race can no longer be stopped. We are long past the point of achieving a sufficient critical mass awakening that might turn things around and end the insanity. Human societies are now inescapably headed into a shared, global catastrophe that can only end in mass financial, political, ecological and cultural collapse.
With that collapse will come global pandemics, disease wipeouts, social unrest, political chaos and mass starvation. This outcome is now inescapable, and some believe the world is being deliberately pushed in this direction to achieve both a global population wipeout and the establishment of global government that rises out of the engineered crisis to “save” humankind.
One in ten people might survive what’s coming, and no one will survive with their individual liberty intact. Following the global collapse of modern society, a dystopian, globalist-run police state society will rise to power. It will be modeled after China’s authoritarian social score system that monitors the online speech, purchasing behaviors, physical movements and psychological profiles of every citizen, then blocks access to societal infrastructure (travel, home loans, public education, etc.) for those who do not sufficiently conform to the demands of the State.
We are living in the last days of anything resembling human freedom, and yet the blind continue to lead the blind, with obedient left-wing Brownshirts demanding more censorship of independent media, more attacks on independent voices and the complete crushing of individual liberty or even free market economics.
It is only by a very narrow path of unlikely events that any region of the world might emerge from this with anything resembling liberty or freedom. If any region is to survive the globalist takeover, it will be America with its Second Amendment mass armament of citizens and the desire of its citizens to resist tyranny with force. Within the United States, the only regions still capable of such resistance against globalism are the Idaho / Wyoming / Utah regions, Texas and perhaps portions of the Deep South. The East and West Coasts are already lost to globalists, and the brainwashed youth who inhabit the politically progressive regions of the country are beyond reformation or rescue. Montana, Colorado and Arizona are largely controlled by sellout Leftists, and even once-rural areas like Michigan are now run by insane, self-destructive Democrats.
Now might be a good time to take a serious look at strategic relocation so that you and your family have at least a slim chance to live in a free society after the coming global collapse. From here forward, any individuals who dare to speak the truth, defend freedom or protect their borders are all considered enemy combatants by the globalists. Plan accordingly and prepare to fight for your very right to exist.
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Tagged Under: Big Pharma, Chemical exposure, civilization, Collapse, cultural suicide, depopulation, insanity, Madness, pharmaceuticals, psych drugs