01/11/2023 / By JD Heyes
The Communist Chinese government has figured out one thing — there is no way their still-developing military can best the U.S. military in a straight-up fight, so they have decided to take over our country playing by our rules of a free-market society.
That said, this isn’t a piece arguing against a free market economy; rather, it serves as a warning shot to American lawmakers that our national security is not at risk because China possesses a more technologically advanced army, navy, and air force, but because the ChiComs are simply buying control of our country one acre, and one company, at a time.
And what’s more, this process has been going on for some time.
In July, for instance, The Federalist reported on the shocking amount of American farm and timberland China now owns — some of the most fertile in the world.
“Buyers from the People’s Republic of China purchased $6.1 billion in real estate last year, the most of any foreign buyer. Many of these purchases over the past few years have been of farmland or ranchland near U.S. military bases,” the outlet reported at the time. “Revelations from a groundbreaking exclusive CNN story published on July 23 about telecommunications equipment from China’s Huawei installed in rural America suggest that Chinese land purchases could pose a severe national security threat as well.”
The report noted further:
CNN chronicles the Chinese government’s more than decade-long effort to establish a massive electronic intelligence and jamming capability in the U.S. adjacent to military installations and in Washington, D.C. Such a system could deliver a crippling electronic Pearl Harbor against American nuclear weapons systems and strategic communications vital to deterring and defeating a military surprise attack.
The report goes on to provide details into how China’s state-subsidized telecommunications behemoths, Huawei and ZTE, sold cell tower equipment and routers, many times at a loss, to small telecommunications providers in the rural heartland, and how much of the equipment was summarily installed near “the land-based leg of America’s nuclear triad — the 400 Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs)” located in states like Nebraska, North Dakota, Montana, Colorado, and Wyoming.
The purpose of the equipment is to serve as massive jamming devices that would prevent the launch of the weapons, but there is more, The Federalist reports, noting four potential uses: “real-time communications intelligence, real-time imagery intelligence, offensive signals jamming, and internet attacks.”
Mind you, this equipment can mostly provide the Chinese with remote capabilities they otherwise would never have been able to obtain were it not for the unserious nature of our political leaders, nearly all of whom appear to be all-in for China as long as the money continues to flow. Again, this isn’t an attack on free-market capitalism, but on a lack of concern for national security.
Meanwhile, as All News Pipeline reports, the Chinese government is overseeing the purchase of shares of multiple U.S. companies that were launched in our country but hardly resemble American corporations anymore.
“Much has been written about companies outsourcing manufacturing to other countries like Mexico and China, but what is discussed less often is how many household names, created in America, are now owned by other countries, with a significant amount of them, like farmland, owned by China,” the outlet reported.
“Some are believed to be owned by China, but in reality, they are in partnership with Chinese companies, such as General Motors,” the outlet continued.
The list of companies includes Forbes Media, General Electric, Motorola, IBM, WeWork, Segway, Dairy Farmers of America Inc., Uber Technologies, and even a share of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
If the new Republican majority in the House is serious about protecting America, one of their first orders of business will be to pass legislation barring China from doing this kind of business in our country and then dare Democrats not to sign on.
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Tagged Under:
agriculture, American corporations, American farmland, big government, China, computing, conspiracy, cyber war, Dangerous, espionage, farmland, free market capitalism, ICBMs, information tech, military bases, military installations, national security, security risk, Spygate, surveillance
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