News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Florida mass shooting: Another deranged individual obsessed with guns, violence and “resistance” (UPDATE, correction)
By now, you’ve probably heard that a horrific mass shooting tragedy has unfolded in a Florida school, where a former student returned to the school grounds and opened fire. So far, the death toll is 17. Note: The original version of this story cited the Miami Herald, which incorrectly identified the name of the shooter […]
By Mike Adams
Washington Post, CNN, NPR, PBS all praise murderous North Korea and its slave state leaders
Remember how I said that the Washington Post is a traitorous, anti-American, propaganda-laced “journo-terrorism” organization? Their coverage of the Olympics proves it, as WashPost joins NPR, ABC, NBC, CNN, the NYT and other left-wing propaganda rags in praising the murderous North Korean regime. You know why they praise North Korea? Because that’s the kind of […]
By Mike Adams
Believing in “progressivism” requires the complete abandonment of reality, logic, science and reason
To believe the narratives of liberalism, you are required to utterly abandon reality, logic, science and reason. In this article, I’ll demonstrate that with a selection of compelling examples. We’ll begin the irrefutable fact that the Winter Olympics now allows biological men to compete as “women” against actual women, allowing individuals with male bone structure, […]
By Mike Adams
CNN denounces FDA ban on “trans fats” as hate speech against transgenders (VIDEO) (SATIRE)
For your weekend amusement, we bring you what might possibly be the most outrageous Counterthink animation we’ve published yet. On the heels of our hilarious “S##tcoin and Buttcoin” Counterthink animation (see below), we now bring you a whole new level of hilarity that imagines CNN calling out the FDA as bigoted and hateful for banning […]
By Mike Adams
Dems are “anti-dreamers” who put Americans LAST: The #SchumerShutdown is punishment for daring to love your country
It’s now clear from the ongoing #SchumerShutdown that Democrats put Americans last when it comes to priorities. By refusing to contribute to the 60 votes needed in the U.S. Senate to pass the Continuing Resolution for government funding, Democrats are effectively holding Americans hostage while demanding citizenship for illegal aliens (“undocumented immigrants”) who came to […]
By Mike Adams
Reality offends Leftists: If you didn’t know some countries are sh*tholes, you’ve never really seen the world
In the latest media uproar over Trump, Democrats claim the President described certain nations as “sh*tholes” during negotiations over immigration and DACA. Democrats went ballistic, accusing Trump of all the usual things, such as being a racist, a KKK member, an idiot and so on. What has never occurred to Democrats and the media, however, […]
By Mike Adams
Undercover video of Twitter engineers reveals how tech giants have devolved into dangerous left-wing censorship regimes
Bombshell undercover video from Project Veritas now reveals how social media giant Twitter has been infiltrated and taken over by left-wing cultists who occupy top engineering positions within the company while using those positions to silence all opposing views. In effect, Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube are all run as totalitarian left-wing censorship regimes, where […]
By Mike Adams
Democrats’ desperate ploy to unseat President Trump over “mental health” false diagnosis will push America to bloody civil war
On the heels of the new book “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff — which has already been largely discredited as a work of fiction — unhinged Democrats are now pushing to unseat President Trump by claiming he’s “mentally unfit for office.” This dangerous, deranged ploy is the latest desperate attempt by Democrats who first […]
By Mike Adams
Jeff Sessions re-criminalizes cannabis nationwide… the full TYRANNY of Washington D.C. lunatics is now on display
By now, you’ve probably heard that U.S. DOJ head Jeff Sessions just “re-criminalized” all cannabis nationwide, regardless of state-based legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use. “The Justice Department chief effectively withdrew federal guidelines that helped limit prosecutions of businesses and individuals who sold pot in a legal manner under state law because marijuana […]
By Mike Adams
Science DENIALISM of the Left goes ballistic with wholesale denial of chromosomes, anal cancer transmission and healthy diets for dogs
The Left has become the anti-science political party. To be a leftist, you must engage in outrageous science denialism on a large array of issues ranging from genetics to disease transmission. This “Science Denialism Disease” (SDS) has even infected educational institutions, where instead of teaching college students hard sciences, leftist professors are now offering degrees […]
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