News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
FACT: The FDA has approved numerous drugs derived from VENOM, including from snakes
It’s not a theory. It’s not sensationalism. Snake venom is commonly used in modern medicine. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved numerous drugs derived from venom. The venom of pit vipers, rattlesnakes, sea urchins, jellyfish, cone snails, leeches, scorpions, anemones, and Gila monster lizards all contain complex enzymatic and non-enzymatic compounds that have […]
By Lance D Johnson
Washington State passes law outlawing combustion engines, forcing all residents to own electric vehicles by 2030
Individual freedoms are being vanquished in the state of Washington. Governor Jay Inslee just signed a new $16.9 billion package, dictating all residents to own electric vehicles by 2030. The state is making it a crime to own a combustion engine in their bid to “curb greenhouse gas emissions.” Starting in 2030, state police must […]
By Lance D Johnson
Gavin Newsom’s “Abortion Council” introduces legislation to permit INFANTICIDE before and after birth
After assaulting basic human rights for over two years, California Governor Gavin Newsom is working on a new INFANTICIDE bill that would legalize the murder of children up to nine months gestation and in the week(s) after birth. The bill has been proposed by Newsom’s “Future of Abortion Council” which makes recommendations to “strengthen and […]
By Lance D Johnson
Young associate medical director – the “Dr. Fauci” of Louisville, Kentucky – dies suddenly and unexpectedly
The medical community in Louisville, Kentucky was shocked to find out that one of their own, Dr. SarahBeth Hartlage, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on March 17. The medical community and the media refuse to ask questions about her death. Why did the lockdown-loving, mask-wearing, triple-vaxxed doctor not survive the “winter of death” that was […]
By Lance D Johnson
Biden is going to SUE Texas to make sure children continue to be MAIMED and destroyed with LGBT surgeries and chemical castration
Joe Biden and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are looking to subvert child abuse laws in Texas, to endorse the chemical castration of youth and to encourage more schoolchildren to seek out gender-reassignment surgeries, puberty blockers and other methods of physiological self-destruction. The Biden regime wants to embolden sexually-perverted adults so […]
By Lance D Johnson
Canadian government freezes single mom’s bank account after she donated $50 to the Freedom Convoy
Canadians are in the middle of a war. Their body autonomy and due process rights continue to be stripped, layer by layer, by a terrorist, totalitarian government. The Canadian government is now targeting individuals who support freedom, medical ethics, democracy and the rule of law by freezing their bank accounts. The Canadian government has claimed […]
By Lance D Johnson
Psycho vaccine pusher runs her SUV over the car of an “anti-vaxxer” and brags on video
Canadian police refuse to press charges against a psycho vaccine pusher who used her vehicle to attack innocent people who were standing up for their freedoms. The belligerent woman was also recorded vandalizing personal property and threatening people alongside the road. The videos show that the woman had clear intent to harm others. The belligerent […]
By Lance D Johnson
Highly disturbing child indoctrination video from Canada shows brainwashed vaccine Nazis calling for the arrest of innocent people
A sinister video out of Canada shows just how dangerously far children have been indoctrinated during the covid-19 scandal. The highly disturbing video shows two young children calling for the arrest and complete segregation of innocent, “unvaccinated” people. The government of Canada has made “unvaccinated” people out to be a subhuman species — a secondary […]
By Lance D Johnson
Taxes in California are projected to DOUBLE as the failed state forces residents to pay $1,000 a month for Universal Sick Care
Lawmakers in California are looking to DOUBLE the income tax to implement a universal health insurance system. A staggering 18 percent income tax is being proposed to help cover the high cost of this forced sick care system. That’s not all. To put this Big Pharma racketeering system permanently in place, lawmakers are looking to […]
By Lance D Johnson
Nearly HALF of all Democrats favor rounding up unvaccinated people and forcing them into concentration camps… the LEFT have become vaccine Nazi extremists
According to a national phone survey by Rasmussen and the Heartland Institute, nearly HALF of all Democrats favor rounding up unvaccinated people and forcing them into covid concentration camps. Nearly half of the Democratic voters (48%) believe that governments should fine unvaccinated individuals and implement prison time for people who question the efficacy of covid-19 vaccines […]
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