News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Crazed leftist from CNN claims ABORTION is the cure for autism and Down’s Syndrome
Just recently, CNN‘s “The View” pundit Ana Navarro says multiple family members with autism, Down’s syndrome and/or mental health challenges should have been aborted to save everyone the headaches of care and costs. Reacting to the recent Supreme Court decision overturning of Roe v. Wade, Navarro said: “I am not anybody to tell you what […]
By S.D. Wells
MORE GREEN ENERGY FAILURES: Obama’s regime pretended to invest in green energy, just like Biden now, and the companies magically went bankrupt
What most people don’t know, who believe in global warming and the Democrat’s plan to turn America 100 percent “green” over the next decade or so, is that it’s not really a plan at all, but a Ponzi scheme to embezzle trillions of dollars and collapse the Republic. This is not conspiracy theory, or hypothesis, […]
By S.D. Wells
Pediatrician hires HITMAN to KILL her ex-husband for $7,000 but hitman turns out to be undercover FBI agent
Dr. Stephanie Russell, a pediatrician working in Louisville, Kentucky, may work to save lives as a doctor, but apparently saved some of her earnings to pay a hitman to murder her ex-husband. One problem. She hired an undercover FBI agent by accident, and put half of the $7,000 murder-for-hire fee in a drop box outside […]
By S.D. Wells
And like a CREEPY-PERV neighbor, State Farm is there
At State Farm, perverts are “committed” to including 5-year-old children in discussions about sexual identity, cross-dressing and pretending that there’s no such thing as a biological man or woman, because everyone is supposedly gay to some extent. State Farm’s latest target is kindergartners, and State Farm says that gender fluid and LGBTQ+ aren’t just words […]
By S.D. Wells
Meet the BRANCH COVIDIANS: An apocalyptic medical-extremist group of tyrants whose avid followers participate in genocide by vaccination
Science is no longer evidence-based when it comes to medicine in America, it’s a new religion that’s all faith-based. Do you “believe” in vaccines? Do you “believe” that wearing face masks all day and night works to prevent the spread of COVID? If not, you will be persecuted for not believing in the new religion […]
By S.D. Wells
FULL GROOMER: Discovery TV welcomes “pink palace” where children as young as 13 are being groomed for TRANSEXUALISM
Just add a wig, some makeup and some extreme-Left promotions of child perversion and you’ve got a “production” fit for a communist-run country that’s pushing sex-thinking on kids and blasting it all over social media, including YouTube. It’s gender fluid programming of children’s minds and then blasting out the “production” and conversion to trans-everything-thinking. The […]
By S.D. Wells
Not just another tracking device: Hand-implanted MICROCHIP includes ANTENNA used for tracking payments, people and possibly nanoparticles from COVID-19 injections
The new “bio-safe and secure” implantable microchip called “Walletmor” is for sale right now by a London-based company, and it’s mainly used for contact-less payments for consumer goods, but is there much more to it than that? About the size of a grain of rice and weighing about one gram, the miniscule microchip also contains […]
By S.D. Wells
GROOMING MEANS PERVERTING: Dangerous trans indoctrination of children in schools is turning America into a nationwide Nazi youth training camp
Cis means a person identifies with the biological gender with which they were born. That means actual science is applied. A man cannot have a baby, and a woman does not have testes that produce sperm. Today, liberal “curriculum” in schools and liberal “indoctrination” on social media beg to differ, and claim that all people […]
By S.D. Wells
How ABSURD can it get? Expect these 10 new MANDATORY “super-safe” COVID mandates for the next wave of the scamdemic (satire)
Every single COVID “precaution” and “safety” measure the CDC enforced over the past two years was based on pure guessing, with no scientific, evidence-based research to prove it would, or even could, work. The masks never worked because the microscopic virus particles escape and enter everyone’s face diaper anyway. Social distancing is more of an […]
By S.D. Wells
BLM screams “racism” when any black person is exposed for corruption, and if it’s a female, then it’s “sexism” too
Yes, black lives definitely matter, even those of criminals. Still, there must be justice served up for criminals, and it shouldn’t matter the color your skin, eyes, or baseball cap. In the latest shady criminal activity by BLM (a.k.a. BLMGNF for Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation), a real estate developer working for BLMGNF bought […]
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