News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Why are LEFTIST riots always tolerated? Violence from the Left is “good” but self-defense from the Right is deemed “racist”
Before Donald J. Trump ran for President, he was never called a racist or a white supremacist, because he’s not one. However, the Leftist-run mass media immediately began branding him as such, to create a fake race war and upheaval should he somehow pull off a victory. America witnessed Antifa and Black Lives Matter protests, which […]
By S.D. Wells
CDC pursuing super-spreader international flight policy to keep the pandemic going, while Australia announces importation of vaccinated super-spreaders who are promised to infect everyone
The Australian government says they are purposely importing Covid via vaccinated people, but the CDC says only vaccinated people can fly to America so we can stop the spread of Covid, so which is it? The U.S. government claims to have lost their patience with “anti-vaxxers,” but when you hear that it’s actually vaccinated people […]
By S.D. Wells
BEYOND HILARIOUS: Penn Jillette now believes in GENDER MAGIC, even though he spent his entire life attacking “pseudo-science” (opinion)
(Op-Ed) One might recognize Penn Jillette as an American magician, who’s latest magic show involves him instantly changing his lifetime position of skepticism of “pseudo-science” into the belief that males and females are exactly the same, per his latest gender-bending science “act.” This is no longer the “Penn & Teller” show, but now the “Penn & Story Teller” […]
By S.D. Wells
Russell Brand rips Don Lemon as REVERSE RACIST for saying all unvaccinated Americans should be eliminated from society and “left behind”
The highly intellectual comedian Russell Brand breaks down the outright bigoted hypocrisy on display on CNN talk shows, where the mindless vaccine-pushing puppets say everything ‘science’ is to the benefit of mankind and should never be questioned by anyone, ever. Lemon’s argument is that everything we do is based on science, including eating food and […]
By S.D. Wells
Fauci says if you are concerned about Covid vaccine blood clots, heart attacks and deaths, you’re most likely an insurrectionist who hates authority
Recalcitrant means having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward discipline or authority. Anthony Fauci claims the only reason 70 million Americans are NOT getting Covid vaccinated is that we’re all a bunch of recalcitrant, political dissidents who don’t respect authority. What he forgets to mention are the now common side effects from the Covid vaccines, namely […]
By S.D. Wells
Drone strikes to murder Americans who refuse spike protein shots? All non-vaxxers now labeled BIO-TERRORISTS by the Covid-vaccinated talking heads on MSNBC
First, it was the “War on Terror,” where every American was supposed to be terrified of those “evil do’ers” that took over airplanes and turned them into weapons of mass destruction, even though there’s not one single airport security video of any of the supposed 19 terrorists of 9/11. Now comes the “War on Covid,” […]
By S.D. Wells
MAN-HANDLED: Ryan “Alana” McLaughlin, former US Army Special Forces soldier, colors (his) hair pink and fights MMA as a “woman,” easily pummels opponent into submission
Never hit a girl, Dads always tell their sons growing up. There’s a good reason for it. The absolute total body strength of biological females on average is only 2/3rds that of biological males. A review of nine different studies on gender strength reveal that female lower body strength is about 72 percent of what […]
By S.D. Wells
SICK AND TWISTED: Jimmy Kimmel wants all unvaccinated people to DIE, but hopes the Covid clot shot won’t clog his son’s blood and strain his heart that already has an oxygen-depriving birth defect
Have you heard of the new comedy show based on children dying? Yes, it’s hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, who’s running a “hit piece” on how hospitals should deny all care to anyone who won’t take the China Flu gene therapy jabs. Send them home to die, is the message, the punch line. Tell them to […]
By S.D. Wells
Evil Down Under – Australia’s Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, worshipper of demonic spike protein injections, plans to deny medical care, food for the unvaccinated
Just a few hundred years ago, most of the people who fled Europe to come to America did so to avoid extreme government-sanctioned political, economic and religious persecution, so how many people will soon flee Melbourne, where if you don’t get toxic injections mandated by the satanic government, soon you won’t be able to work, […]
By S.D. Wells
VAX WOKE: Can an unvaccinated person in America simply “self-identify” as a vaccinated person, without ever risking a deadly Covid jab?
What if you “personally identify” or “self-identify” as someone who has taken the Covid vaccine, but you haven’t, does that qualify as vaccinated? Why not? If anyone can now simply switch from being a man to a woman (by simply putting on some high heels and lipstick), then you can also switch from non-vaccinated to […]
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