News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
The new insidious 10 Commandments of the insane left
In the fictional world of horror stories, demons and blood-sucking vampires are triggered by crosses, but is it a coincidence that, in the real world, Democrats are triggered by MAGA hats? The MAGA hat is not a symbol of racism or hate, but rather a trigger for liberals, who claim they are tolerant and unbiased, […]
By S.D. Wells
Should we really be careful not to offend extremists?
The Leftist cry-bullies asked Donald J. Trump if he would be able to “accept defeat” if he lost in the 2016 election, and now they’ve spent more than 2 years unable to accept their own defeat, staging hate crimes and hoaxes to illegally try to impeach him and cause division in our country. The Leftist […]
By S.D. Wells
Trifecta agenda of the INSANE LEFT: Reduce the population, enforce insanely high taxes, and destroy the entire agricultural industry
They’re done hiding. The “no plan” Democrats are all getting behind the insane “Green New Deal” plan to abort all human babies, tax the working class at 90 percent, and eliminate all the fuel used to farm and harvest crops in America. They’ve decided that an insane plan is better than having no plan, since […]
By S.D. Wells
Formula for INSANITY: Believe in hate crime hoaxes, take prescription medications, eat GMOs, drink tap water, get your flu shot, watch CNN, and read the NYT and WashPo
Isn’t it quite ironic that there is not one single photo or video clip of President Donald J. Trump being a racist, when 50 million Americans have been brainwashed by the media to believe that he is one? In fact, before he ran for POTUS, there was never any mention of it ever, because he’s […]
By S.D. Wells
HORRIFIC VISIONS: The 5- and 10-year “National Socialist” plans of Stalin, Hitler, and Ocasio-Cortez are really just evil communist plots for absolute government tyranny
When something sounds way too good to be true, it is. The “Green New Deal” now propagated by a former bartender turned Congresswoman overnight is wrought with ideas so far-fetched and reckless that anyone in their right mind would recognize it as being no more realistic than a 10-year plan for world peace, flying pigs […]
By S.D. Wells
Death Cult Democrats say killing newborn babies the day they’re born is “good for the economy” … so what’s next, exterminating all kids with autism and senior citizens?
Democrats are all set to raise every American citizen’s income tax above 70 percent and on upwards to 90 percent in order to pay for all the “free stuff” they’re raving about, including Medicare, college, food, and yes, day-of-birth abortions. You see, all Americans should be working hard in factories and processing plants, because the […]
By S.D. Wells
Do baby-murdering abortionists in New York get to choose HOW to EXECUTE live-birth infants, whether by knife, lethal injection, electric chair, or hanging?
When criminals hit death row, they’re waiting for the day of their execution, when they will be exterminated for their crimes, and often a small crowd watches from an observatory. If you’re a newborn baby in New York, and your mommy decides you just might be a burden to her one day, it’s now legal […]
By S.D. Wells
Biological MAN wins women’s world championship cycling event by simply saying he’s a woman – and if you disagree, you’re a bigot
What are the qualifications these days for a man to claim he’s a woman? Can he simply cut his hair in some lady-like fashion? Can he just put on some makeup? What about some earrings that have hoops? Is that enough? Maybe if he goes to the extreme of getting some fake boobs and wears […]
By S.D. Wells
Starbucks’ new plastic straw-less lids use MORE plastic than the old lid and straw combo – the virtue signaling stupidity of the Left knows no bounds
You don’t have to be insane or dumb to drink Starbucks coffee, but you might want to stop thinking for a few minutes if you’re trying to make sense of their environmentally-conscious (or unconscious in this case) efforts to reduce single-use plastic situations. Before you cast judgment though, this is not a one-time mistake or […]
By S.D. Wells
Violence, ignorance, hate and socialism – Find out how TOXIC foods and noxious medicines are fueling Leftist derangement across America
Want to live in a country that has no police, no laws, no freedom of speech, no freedom of press, no freedom of religion, and no right to bear arms? Then move to some third world country, find a cave to dwell in, carve out a club and some spears, and pray that nobody finds […]
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